
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lavender & Mosquitoes

 I was reading about the West Nile Virus that's happening in Texas, "can't keep OFF mosquito repellent on the shelves ". OFF works, but you look greasy and shiny, not to mention what's in the product.   I haven't read a can for a very long time...but it does work   I live in Florida and I hate those little blood suckers.  I read that " Lavender" works at repelling mosquitoes.  " Really" So, when I created my Body Lotion Bars " Soyba", I used lavender.  Guess what happened?  No more mosquito bites I not saying it works for everyone.  I know it worked for me " they really liked me", but now others are claiming the same.  What I like it's natural, I am moisturizing and no mosquito bites.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Beginning

My sister and I started working on improving my website Blueflower Soy Candles ( aka Blueflower Soy ).  I had to do a lot of explaining about soy, she did most of the write up.  She can do that much better then me.   She do her research, get a better understanding and always used the right words.  She made it look easy, it's not.  I told her, "I did a lot a research, trial and errors when I first started".  That got me thinking "The Beginning" trying to make a natural soy candle.  I'll start there.  Looking for 100% soy wax took me days and I didn't even know how to make a candle yet.  I found a company with a starter kit.  I followed the directions and got a sinus headache from the fragrance oil, that lasted two days.  OK, The fragrance didn't work for me and not sure about the soy wax being 100% either.  I had to start over.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Soyblend Candles

Did you know that not all soy candles are the same.  There are candles that use 100% soy wax and there are soy blend candles.  There are several different kinds of wax blends, palm and paraffin are just two of them.  One popular blend is soy/paraffin having at least 51% soy wax and 49% paraffin wax can be called a soy candle. Why?, because 51% is soy.  Look on the candle jar label for what kind of wax.  If it doesn't say, ask the candle maker.